
Evaluation and Management Consulting (EMC) offers the following types of services to public institutions, businss entities and non-profit organizations

Our Services


EMC provides professional and expert advice to other companies, organizations or individuals in particular areas. EMC consultants are experts and professionals in specific fields and ...


EMC sees trainings as the means for acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities through professional development. EMC designs Trainings about knowing where you stand at ...

Workshop facilitation

EMC provides workshops to various companies and organizations for motivation, team-building and improving their performance. EMC helps your team gain the most from their knowledge ...

Seminar Facilitation

EMC can provide seminar facilitation to various organizations, companies or groups of individuals that have the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, ...

Stakeholder Meeting Facilitation

EMC experts can provide stakeholder meetings to your companies and organizations. EMC sees the purpose of the Stakeholder meeting as a means to deliberate on ...

Community Meeting Facilitation

EMC provides community meeting facilitation. By bringing together a cross-section of viewpoints, a community meeting is the perfect setting to exchange ideas and information. In ...