Our Leadership, management, staff, consultants and partners have diverse background, profound experience and deep knowledge of private, public, non-governmental (NGO) sectors of Georgia and other former soviet countries, Eastern and Western Europe and USA. Most of our team members have more than 20 years of professional expertise and leadership experience that combines the know-how from building-up public and non-governmental organisations and big variety of well-known business companies and brands.
we help you in designing result oriented strategic planning and management
EMC can show a proven track record for a high amount of organizations in Georgia, Germany other European Countries and USA whom we have helped , worked with and partnered during years. Our team also includes a pool highly qualified international and national managers whose hands-on experience and academic background is the ground of our strengths and an important ingredient of the company’s success.
EMC was founded on the bases of the Horizonti, the very First Georgian Foundation operating in Georgia. Together with strategic and institutional development of the newly born non-governmental organizations, Horizonti financially has supported implementation of many programs and projects in the country. In partnership with the Government institutions, NGOs and independent experts Horizonti has initiated, facilitated and implemented various social policies: health, social welfare and education related issues.
After about 15 years of successful activities, as Horizonti has achieved its goals and objectives, it has transformed itself into a non-profit and a for-profit organization: Georgian Evaluation Association (NGO) and Evaluation and Management Consulting (LLC).
The founder and former Executive Director of Horizonti is a founder of EMC who together with experienced national and international partners, brings about two decades of extensive working in management, strategic planning, institutional development and evaluation as well in various social well fare expertise.
Since its establishment EMC, with its very experienced staff, helped Governmental and Non-governmental organizations to develop strategic plans, improve internal management and evaluation systems and build the capacity to implement programs, projects or strategies and measure the effectiveness of their operations.
Is to help organizations and business companies to improve result oriented management and planning and to evaluate their successes and failures.
Based on many years of work experience and international practice EMC has developed a management approach with absolute result orientation, which is used for all its projects:
Problem identification
Clear task setting
Target agreement
Clear and transparent processes definition
Monitoring the process implementation
Evaluation of achieved results